Tuesday 11 May 2010

Viral adverts

The next step of my research will be based on 'viral' adverts, seen on the internet, television, billboard's, and poster's. They are usually just a still motion image, without any titles or headlines, this is a technique used to make the viewer interested. The reason they are so effective is because a lot of people see the same advert, and do not know what it is then they start asking other people and before you know it, everyone is talking about the same thing.

The Image below is a viral advert for my favorite band, it is just a still image but there is also a video on tv, every now and again, and it is a viral advertising the release of the album, but it doesn't tell you what the band is called or what the song is, it just plays the best selling song. This is an advert for musical people, the advert work's really well, considering they are all over the radio, due to this advert people will start talking about it, when they relise its the Xx there is more chance of them buying the album.

The next clip i have found, has won award's for its viral advertisement's The company who created it are Danish Saatchi, and it is based on raising awareness in Scandinavia. The advert is based around quiksilver's surfboarding. The advert doesnt tell you what is going on or what is going to happen, the advert was that much of a success it gained over 20 million viewer's in just 4 days.

The advert show's people that anything is possible if you put your mind to it, but of course what they did here was illegal, and cost them alot to money to make, but with added visual effect's it look's amazing.

This viral advert, is a working and profitable idea, It is about a NASCAR being stolen on live tv, but the advert was a fix so the companies could get over a million pounds worth of advertising for free, The whole advert had advertisement's all over it, and went into a 4 minute intro sneakily showing the advert's, the video was viewed by over 50 million viewer's mainly based on spread of word. The advert was a complete success and brought in a profitable amount to the advertiser's.

The footage is about 6 minutes long, this is all part of the advert to make it look like cheap editing from a real event, it works out so well, and has influenced alot of producers.

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