Tuesday 25 May 2010

Information graphics.

Information graphics are visual representations of information, data and knowledge. They are used where information need's to put across quickly, such as in map's, journalism, technical writing, health and safety and many more. The first example i am going to take notice too, is the design of the underground trains layout in central london.

As you can see the detail and illustration on the map is fantastically made, the colours on the outside clearly signify the area's in london, starting with the city, industrial, rural. e.t.c, the map indicates which train goes where and so on. there is big bold numbers to narrow it down more so its easier for everyone. There is a 'key' in the corner which has symbols next to it, but its scaled down so you would have to look close to find out what it says, so i think that becomes a downfall, also the map doesn't have any other foreign languages on it, considering london is a capital with 100'000 visitors weekly it should contain some sort of european language directory.

The next piece i will look at is a illustration piece, by the company 'bento graphics'. this is a self-initiated, an old fashioned text about manners a the table was used as a template to create these illustrations. This is was an exploration into information graphics and the illustrative style of manuals. The actual printed card was laminated, with round, and resembled for airplane safety.

The image has very confusing graphics, about the way manners are set on a plane, It doesn't make much sense, and really could do with a key, but the image doesn't have any wording, to me that signifies that it is meant to be used in a group session, i think the air hostess' are meant to read them out, and show you the pictures as a guideline based on what she's saying.

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