Thursday 20 May 2010

Semiotics the study of signs

For my next part of my advert project i am going to talk about semiotics. and how they are made to describe what they are used on , I will base my research around, DVD cover's, album cover's and illustrations from other artist's.
The first Album that caught my eye was ' crystal castles' with there self titled debut album, The album has no real meaning to it, but the extra detail has to be taken into account when listening to there music, the album has a very vivid title, which is doubled
so it look's like there name is repeated, this is to give of a trance look, to show that the band are found of drug's. They also
have the two artists underneath the doubled letter head, one underneath crystal and the other underneath castles, this also signifies there is only to people in the band, the way they drop like dummies, is to give of a musical impression of how they work, and write music. The photograph of the main people is cut into two part's but the lead woman in the band has a lot more space then the guy, this is to show she is the front person and gets most of the credit.

The next part to my research will be based on illustrators that have inspired me, this artist is called rowan newton. He is a london based artist, who is inspired by stereotypical sight's in london. The piece of work that inspired me was the London pride. It is an illustration of only 2 object's which signify a lot. It is the london eye( an Iconic piece of architecture towards London) with a bottle of beer, called ' London 's pride ', this signifies that london has a low pride, and isn't as brilliant as what people think , the reason the work is so good, is because the artist has experienced the good and bad times of living in london, And he is expressing his feelings in to the artwork. also The coluor in the image, isn't very experimental compared to his other work, because he only wants to show the two basic principles, That it looks good, but it is still the same as every other town. The artwork he has produced, Can work as an illustration piece and a viral advertisement as well, i think this is the reason why it is has grown so well.

For my dvd research i have looked, at the classic film and novel ' where the wild things are' the film was a top seller, and the book was a child hood story to many people, but i am more interested in the way the dvd is layed out, and what it signifies, The type face on the dvd, is really interesting and fits the film perfectly, it rules out all the straight edges, using in filming, and is based to look like a child has drawn it, it gives off a fantastic first impression, to children, The main image on the front cover is one of the beast's hiding around a tree in the fantasy world, This to me signifies that the beast is playing a very childish, game and is giving off a very happy and gentle look. Also the scruffy font that is used, can also contrast towards the slogan used, 'there's one in all of us' besides giving of a childish look it can also be seen as a wild, and jagged font.

The next piece of artwork that i noticed was a design of photoshop, by an illustrator called jericho santander. He has designed a photo montage of a face with obvious signs of a living envirment on his face, the relief on the image, brings out the head shape of the artwork very well. The outer side of the head, is in darkness but with lights this signifies that, the other part of the civilization is asleep just as realistic as the modern world, The image also has smoke around the top part of the head, to give of the more realistic look. Towards the bottom of the face, where the face has more details due to wrinkles, moles and other foreign skin parts the civilisation dies down and becomes more of a rural area, this shows a defining significant in the real world and the world he has created. As you get closer to the nose, It is white at the beak this signifies that this is the highest point in terms of relief, the image, is made with alot of thought and has the same properties as the real world, in the way we change around flat land, and high land.

The album cover above, is created by the very inspirational jordan buckley, the illustrator and musician, he created the album cover from free hand, and it look's fantastic, the font at the top signifies that the main focus is the artwork on the front, not so much the name of the band, The design of the man, gives of a free willed surrealist character, for a very vague and unique look, the colour on the album cover is also quite vague but it works in a modern pop art artistic way. The most amazing part about the image, is the in depth detail of tone and skin graph, The way the lines correspond across each other in a parallel way, is quite observe but contrast's his own artistic ability. his other work has been published on shoe's and slapped across poster's posted all over many teenage wall's, The pink dye across the wrists of the character gives of a bloody/gorey affect but in a humorous and interesting way.

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