Thursday 15 April 2010

Visual communication

To start off my visual communication research, i am going to write about a medical/emotional advert about smoking cannabis, and drug awareness. This video below is one i found on youtube, when researching awareness to drug's and alcohol. The advert clip isnt as emotionaly gripping as the others, and can have a humorous feel to it, the advert shows, that having cannabis slow's your way of thinking for a around the time period of a month, based upon a night's intake. The clip also, shows a sketch of someone working hard to achieve something, but failing due to smoking cannabis. failing due to smoking cannabis.
The video also has a long intro, showing the man preparing, for this big moment but
then losing it completely, The expression on the man's face does look embarrasing. And makes the
viewer, asusme that's going to happen to them. In terms of advertisement it does make the viewer think
about there actions towards drug's.

This Talktofrank advert is based on mule dog's that get used to smuggle drug's across the world.
The advert is cute gruesome and can be quite disturbing at times, But the whole point is to shock
the viewer and reach to people who use the drug,and are based around mule dog's and cocaine
getting into the country, there is also a voice talking for the dog, The advert also cover's a lot of footage
of what goes on with drug's and dealing, it shows people having a good time, but there inside's slowly dying
The advert is quite deep, but formal at the same time, which makes it stand out to people, and to me
It shows the clear picture about cocaine and how it can get to into people's possesion.

This poster, has the most morbid effect off all the research i'v found, it is a still image
but has the greatest effect on drug awareness, it is short but get's straight to the point,
It show's an image of a victim that abuse's heroin, and it almost make's the viewer feel
sick, so the advert work's because people wont want to be like that.
The advert uses, bold and thick font to get straight to the
point, it has a side paragraph with a tale of heroin and how it control's